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Đèn mổ KL700/500-III

Đèn mổ KL700/500-III


Đèn mổ KL700/700-III

Đèn mổ KL700/700-III


Đèn mổ KL700/700-III (new model)

Đèn mổ KL700/700-III (new model)

Jiangsu Keling -TQ

Đèn mổ treo trần OLH01-105

Đèn mổ treo trần OLH01-105

D&E - Đài Loan

Đèn mổ treo trần Model: Surgilux H302/502

 Description ::


The Famed Lodz SURGILUX Series Operating Lights are designed to provide the surgeon with cool, shadowless, color correct lighting of the highest quality at low cost. A wide range of models make SURGILUX the ideal lighting solution for the operating theatre, emergency and day surgery departments.

Ceiling mounted lights are available in 3, 5 or 7 bulb versions. Wall mounted lights are available in either 3 or 5 bulb versions,
The articulation system is finely balanced for ultimate ease of positioning and flexibility.

SURGILUX's multi bulb design provides excellent homogenous, color corrected heat filtered light. Focusing is precise and easy.