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Máy X-quang nha khoa

Máy chụp x-quang nha khoa Endos ACP-AFP Imaging

Máy chụp x-quang nha khoa Endos ACP

Hãng sản xuất : AFP Imaging

Endos ACP Dental X Ray Unit (Dent-X)

Intraoral X-ray units

The sophisticated Endos ACP timer allows the selection of optimum exposure parameters using pre-programmed anatomical techniques. The choice of the diagnostic target is easily achieved in two quick steps: Choose the size of the patient from the three available and choose the dentition area to be examined. That’s all. At the touch of a key a specific modality may be chosen which optimizes exposure times for use with any digital acquisition system. 2 year warranty


The sophisticated timer of Endos ACP allows to select the best exposure parameters using pre-programmed anatomic techniques. The choice of the diagnostic target is easily achieved in two quick steps: choose the size of the patient among the three available and choose the dentition area to be examined: that’s all. At the touch of a key you can also switch to a specific modality which optimizes the exposure times for use with any digital acquisition system.


Grid Tube Techology

New grid tube technology improves the quality of radiation while increasing the accuracy of exposure and reducing non-diagnostic soft radiation.

Utilizing a smart software algorithim, the system automatically compensates for mains voltage fluctuations, insuring stability in film density. The cuty cycle ratio (waiting time between exposures) is 1:32. After a typical .5 second exposure, the wait time for the next exposure would only be 16 seconds. Once again, the translates into high efficiency when several images are needed in a sequence.

Quality of details

The X-ray push button has been carefully thought out to provide the best grip and ergonomics. The coil cord (extendable to 10 ft / 3m) is crafted to retain its shape and withstand years of rugged use.


All materials have a glossy finish and have been chosen for quick and easy cleaning to maintain the hygiene of your working environment, and to provide years of lasting durability.


To adapt to every installation condition, Endos AC and ACP units may be configured with a remote X-ray push button, allowing the exposure to be taken from outside the examination room. The mobile version provides for maximum operational flexibility.


Endos AC and ACP units incorporate advanced self-diagnostics which alert the operator to any problems that may arise. A special safety device eliminates the risk of unintended exposures while inhibiting the X-ray push button when the unit is not in use.


30cm Extension Cone
This extends the source to skin distance to 30cm to facilitate paralleling technique.

35x45mm Collimator
The 35x45mm collimator is used to limit the irradiated area, thus reducing patient dose and minimizing scatter radiation.

Mobile Stand
An optional mobile stand is precisely balanced for safe, quick transport and convenience.

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