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Nồi hấp tiệt trùng Hirayama -50 lít-HVE-50

Nồi hấp tiệt trùng Hirayama -50 lít-HVE-50


 Description: Hirayama Autoclave Sterilizer - Top Load Vertical Lab

HVE-50 Self-contained, Portable, Top-Loading Autoclaves With Auto Exhaust and Warming Cycles. Space-saving design with lid opening upward.

Agar sterilization mode for sterilizing agar and then automatically maintaining it at liquid temperature.
Dual-sensing lid interlock prevents lid opening when chamber is pressurized or when temperature exceeds 97°C. Agar melting mode for melting agar and maintaining it at liquid temperature, or for a hot, faster start-up. One-touch lever to easily open and close chamber lid.

In-process display shows the status and the progress of sterilization cycle. Door-closure sensor provides a prompt and the cycle will not start unless the door is closed properly. HVE-50 size: 50 liters, 11.8" diameter, 28.0" height.


  • Chamber Size:
       28" (H) X 11" (W)
       0" Deep
  • Brand New Machine
  • Automatic (electronic) controlled
  • Steam Sterilizer
  • Power Supply: 110V
  • 20 minutes cycle
  • Vertical Style
  • Weight: 180.00 Pounds.

  • Lồng hấp to : $724.2

     Description: Hirayama Sterilizer - Basket for 50-L SS, 10.7"D x 11.8"H

    Lồng hấp bé : $495.22

    Description: Hirayama - Basket for 50-L SS, 10.7"D, 8.7"H