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Máy soi cổ tử cung kỹ thuật số

Máy soi cổ tử cung,KN-2200B,Kernel,TQ

Máy soi cổ tử cung,KN-2200B,Kernel,TQ



 Functions and Features:

-Optical system is five gears ,zoom ,and focus, Strong three-dimensional sense, Distinct gradations, Wide view.

-In the Optical Ocular has a ruler, it can measure the size of the diseased region(D reg).

-The double optical path cold light source of the integration design and the fiber conduction system. The brightness can be adjusted.

-With a green filter, convenient to observe the capillary of diseased region.

-High definition and color CCD.

-Flexible and convenient spring arm bracket,and can be locked and adjusted at any angle.

-The unique light splitting grating design and the sole CCD imaging vernier device ,making the screen form the three-dimensional imaging, and all the different levels diseased region tissue can gain the best observation effect.