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Xe đẩy,gây mê,AG-AT0011A1,Aegean,TQ

Xe đẩy,gây mê,AG-AT0011A1,Aegean,TQ


 Model: AG-AT0011A1



1) Size: 850*520*950mm

2) Made of high-strength ABS material

3) One-piece ABS plastic top board with arc handle and raised-edge design, covered transparent soft plastic glass.

4) With four plastic steel columns.

5) 2 small drawers, inner with dividers can be organized easily and freely, label cards for the trolley and drawers, one door

6) Sliding side shelf

7) Multi bin container, Dust basket, needle disposal holder, utility container, storage box, stainless steel guard rails

8) Centralized lock

9) Four luxurious noiseless casters, two with brakes