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Đầu soi,tổng thể,AMD - 2500,AMD,Mỹ

Đầu soi,tổng thể,AMD - 2500,AMD,Mỹ



AMD-2500 General Exam Camera

The AMD-2500 general examination camera is the first analog camera to combine power zoom, auto focus, freeze frame capture, and electronic image polarization in one diagnostic device. This multi purpose analog camera has wide applications in primary care, emergency medicine/trauma care, dermatology, ophthalmology, wound care and is an excellent device to document sexual abuse or child abuse. The AMD-2500 general examination camera is the "do it all, go anywhere" analog camera!

  • Dimensions: 2.2"W x 3.7"D x 2.9"H
  • Weight: .5 lbs.
  • Magnification: Auto-zoom from 1-50x.
  • Polarization: Push-button
  • Zoom: Push-button
  • Pixels: 410,000 from a 1/4" CCD
  • Horizontal Resolution: Greater than 430 lines
  • Signal to Noise Ratio: Greater than 48dB
  • Output Signal: Composite and S-Video
  • Output Format: NTSC/PAL
  • Integrated Freeze-frame: Push-button
  • Color Adjustments: Auto white balance
  • ACC: Full iris control
  • Lighting: Fluorescent
  • Operating Temperature Range: 0 degree C - 40 degree C
  • Operating Humidity: Less than 90%
  • Power Consumption: 5W
  • Voltage Range: 110/220 VAC 10%, 50/60 Hz, or 12VDC
  • Lens: General purpose lens close focus, 50x polarized lens, and optional 100x polarized contact lens