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Bơm hút chân không áp lực thấp

Máy hút dịch,chân không,áp lực thấp,DYX-2A,Smaf,TQ

Máy hút dịch,chân không,áp lực thấp,DYX-2A,Smaf,TQ


 Low-Vacuum Suction Unit Model DYX-2A is the Low Vacuum and Low Flow suction unit. It is suitable for postoperative continuous drainage in gastroenteric or in the Dept. Of surgery and internal medicine.

Ⅰ. Features:

1.     Safely powered by electromagnetic pump, no positive pressure producing.

2.     The air emitted by the pump is prefiltered by a bacterial filter which provides an  effective barrier against contamination and protection to the environment.

3.     Vacuum regulator with a locked set can be optionally regulated according to requirements.

4.     Transparent plastic bottle with overflow preventive valve can be sterilized.

5.     Body made of plastic material is light, compact, and convenient for carrying and operating.


1. Max Vacuum:≥15±1.5KPa(110±11mmHg)

2.     Vacuum range:2KPa(15mmHg)~ Max Vacuum

3.     Capacity for water:≥700ml/min

4.     Noise:≤55dB(A)

5.     Jar capacity:1000ml(PC)

6.     Power input:15VA

7.     Power supply: AC220V  50Hz

8.     Dimemsion:390mm×190mm×340mm

9. G.W./N.W.:3/2.5kg