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Bơm hút chân không áp lực thấp

Máy hút dịch,chân không,áp lực thấp,DH-1,Smaf,TQ

Máy hút dịch,chân không,áp lực thấp,DH-1,Smaf,TQ


 Model DH-1 Low Constant Pressure Suction Unit intended for continuous suction after operation for intestines, stomach, urinary bladder or in the Dept. Of surgery, internal medicine, gynecology and pediatrics is a modern low-pressure aspirator which is adopted the technology of integrate circuit and sensor controlling with reliable performance and enables toprocess continuous constant-pressure drainage.


1.     Compact and novel in design, easy and simple to handle, and extremely low noise, without disturbing patients rest or sleep.

2.     Able to operate protractedly with stable performance, and convenient for continuous drainage to air or liquid.

3.     The vacuum level can be adjusted as required, and due to high precision pressure sensors that makes the setting vacuum level constant and reliable.

4.     Tactfully designed non-lubricant vacuum pump, needs no oiling without wearing, so nor maintenance, but easy for cleaning averting pollution, and what s more capable in large and speedy suction flow.

5.     Double overflow protection devices prevent liquid entering pump effectively.

6.     Under-vacuum light alarm and over-vacuum sound-light alarm are incorporated in it.

7.     A vacuum release valve is fitted, and used when the unit needs to adjust its vacuum from high to low level.

8.     The application of integrated circuits and sensor-control makes the unit reliable and stable.


1.     Max Vacuum:≥20kPa(150mmHg) 

2.     Adjustable vacuum range:2.5~20kPa(20~150mmHg)

3.     Capacity for water:≥1500ml/min

4.     Noise:≤50dB(A)

5.     Power supply:AC220V  50Hz

6.     Input:30VA

7.     Dimension:420mm×320mm×420mm

8.     G.W./N.W.:9.5/8kg