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Máy x quang nha khoa toàn hàn

Máy x quang,nha khoa ,toàn hàm,VOLUX 9,Genoray,Korea

Máy x quang,nha khoa ,toàn hàm,VOLUX 9,Genoray,Korea



Digital Dental CBCT - VOLUX 9
The New Generation of 3D Dental CT 
Presets allow you to take exact image you need - VOLUX 9
 Use of Image intensifier ensures stability and integrity of the device.
 Enabling zoom mode, you can diagnose patients with high-resolution images.
Advanced detection allows us to emit lower dosage than competitors.
 Presets allow you to take exact image you need.

PRODUCT FEATURES Top of the page

In need of 3D imaging tool? Look no further as Genoray’s
3D CBCT will exceed your expectations.

Experience the ultimate solution packed with customizable settings 
and the most advanced technology in VOLUX 9 3D CT.
VOLUX 9 provides many advanced diagnostic tools.

Surpassing Image Quality
Provides stable, high quality image
Using proven technology of Image intensifier
VOLUX9 provides high resolution images

Easy and Comfortable
Touch screen operation panel and friendly icons 
makes it easy!
User interface a write it only

6-way Seat Control
Our comfortable chair with 6-way power control will make it easy
to get accurate scan

Short Reconstruction Time
VOLUX9 completes its scan cycle in just 8.5 seconds. This means you’ll rarely see motion artifacts coming from patient motion during the scan.

Lower Radiation Exposure
Maximize radiation safety with out-of-the-room exposure switch

SAMPLE IMAGES Top of the page