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Máy khoan vi phẫu và cưa xương

Khoan vi phẫu,XSZ-P-1,Ziai,TQ

Khoan vi phẫu,XSZ-P-1,Ziai,TQ


 Resistance to high temperature of 135 ℃

Straight handle    Straight Attachment

Curved handle    Anglled Attachment




● Power Controllers  Power controller

XSZ-P-1 type of medical microscopic surgery electric drill


Straight handle     

Various specifications of the length of the handle, suitable for neurosurgery; spine surgery; such as microsurgery.


Curved handle :

There is a variety of the length of the handle, suitable for neurosurgery, spine surgery, microsurgery.



Power controller

Using imported components, easy to operate and simple, to provide security for the host.