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Máy cưa bột

Cưa xương,AD2001 ,Ziai,TQ

Cưa xương,AD2001 ,Ziai,TQ


Medical electric oscillating saw: compact and lightweight, accurate positioning. Suitable for the various parts of the surgery, without wrench to quickly install and replace the blade, and the use of more convenient. PY-QG Medical Electric Saw Drill / foot surgery electric saw drill / medical mini electric saw drill continuously variable transmission, high torque variable speed available to any operating speed, brushless motor, strong enough for the host power, to meet the different power requirements of the surgery. Superb technology, ergonomic design balance of scientific process, so that maximum precision accurate dominated comfortable, easy fatigue. Use no significant vibration and oscillation. Efficient equipment, disinfection of environmental protection awareness of the whole high-temperature high-pressure, improve the utilization of the machine. Plenty of energy, the green battery without disinfection solve the hospital to worry about.