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Tấm dán sau phẫu thuật, OPSITE POST-OP 35x10cm ( vô trùng),66000716,Smith& Nephew- Mỹ

Tấm dán sau phẫu thuật, OPSITE POST-OP 35x10cm ( vô trùng),66000716,Smith& Nephew- Mỹ

 OPSITE* Post-Op*


OpSite* Post-Op* Dressing

This post-operative dressing combines the advantages of the highly permeableOpSite IV3000* film with an absorbent dressing pad to provide a superior dressing for wounds closed by primary intention, where a moist wound healing environment is unnecessary or even detrimental to healing.



  • OpSite IV3000* film with a high MVTR (Moisture Vapour Transmission Rate).
  • Easy application system using a flexible carrier
  • Low adherent absorbent dressing pad
  • Fluid and bacterial barrier

The OpSite Post-Op film is impermeable to water and body fluids, allowing the patient to shower without changing dressings.

Bacterial Barrier
The OpSite Post-Op film provides a bacterial barrier, helping to reduce the risk of secondary infection.

OpSite Post-Op has a unique molecular structure that switches on in the presence of moisture, preventing accumulation of moisture underneath the dressing, which reduces bacterial growth and the risk of maceration.

Transparent Film
The clear film allows the user to monitor the level of fluid and check for infection without removing the dressing, thus increasing wear time.

Absorbent, Low-adherent Pad
The thick pad is highly absorbent, minimising the number of dressing changes whilst protecting the wound from further injury. The low-adherent wound contact layer leaves the wound site clean and comfortable, reducing the pain when changing the dressing.

OpSite Post-Op is highly conformable, even over the most awkward body contours.  Its extensibility does not restrict movement, ensuring that it is comfortable for the patient.
The unique dressing carrier keeps the film firm, allowing easy application.


To dress post-operative wounds and casualty wounds as well as minor cuts and lacerations.

Catalogue #Size Units 
66000708 6.5cm x 5cm 100 dressings 
66000709 9.5cm x 8.5cm 20 dressings 
66000710 112cm x 10cm 10 dressings 
66000712 15.5cm x 8.5cm 20 dressings 
66000713 20cm x 10cm 20 dressings 
66000714 25cm x 10cm 20 dressings 
66000715 30cm x 10cm 20 dressings 
66000716 35cm x 10cm 20 dressings