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Tấm dán phẫu thuật, OPSITE INCISE DRAPE 84x56cm ( vô trùng),4994,Smith& Nephew- Mỹ

Tấm dán phẫu thuật, OPSITE INCISE DRAPE 84x56cm ( vô trùng),4994,Smith& Nephew- Mỹ

 OpSite* Incise



OpSite* Incise Drapes are transparent, adhesive polyurethane films which allow the skin to breathe, so preventing moisture build-up under the drape. As a result OpSite adheres throughout long surgical operations to the surrounding skin and most importantly to the wound edge. 


Adheres right up to wound edge

  • The drape will provide protection from laterally migrating bacteria because it stays in place even throughout major operations involving prolonged retraction of wound edges.
Transparent non-glare surface 
  • The incision site is clearly visible without glare.
Thin yet extremely strong 
  • OpSite Incise Drape is tear resistant, yet can be cleanly cut with a scalpel.
Conformable and elastic 
  • OpSite Incise Drape is very conformable on awkward operation sites, yet its elastic qualities make it suitable for use where heavy manipulative surgery is involved, for example, in a total hip replacement.
Maintains a sterile operation site 
  • OpSite Incise Drape provides a sterile working field, on to which internal organs may be placed without fear of contamination.
CodeDescriptionItems per unit
496714cm x 25cmbx/20
498615cm x 28cmbx/10
498730cm x 28cmbx/10
498845cm x 28cmbx/10
499540cm x 42cmbx/10
498945cm x 55cmbx/10
499456cm x 84cmbx/10