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Băng dán vết thương loại mềm dùng cho gót chân, ALLEVYN Gentle Border Heel Dressing ( vô trùng),66800506,Smith& Nephew- Mỹ

Băng dán vết thương loại mềm dùng cho gót chân, ALLEVYN Gentle Border Heel Dressing  ( vô trùng),66800506,Smith& Nephew- Mỹ

 ALLEVYN Gentle Border Heel


Remove the central release paper and position the heel onto the dressing, with the upper (Malleolus) lobes at right angles to leg. 

Remove the release paper from one of the upper lobes and fold upper lobe onto Malleolus and secure in place. Repeat with the upper lobe. 

Remove the lower lobe release paper and fold heel flap lip and ensure pad edge aligns with upper lobe pad edge. Secure lower lobe tab is in place and repeat process.
ALLEVYN Gentle Border Heel design should now be inplace.