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Máy truyền dịch,tốc độ cao,1000ml/phút,Rapid Infuser,Belmont,Mỹ

Máy truyền dịch,tốc độ cao,1000ml/phút,Rapid Infuser,Belmont,Mỹ

 The Belmont Rapid Infuser


The Belmont Rapid Infuser

The Belmont® Rapid Infuser has become the standard of care for massive blood transfusion, by allowing precise control of intravascular volume while preventing hypothermia, air embolus and vessel trauma.  The Belmont® Rapid Infuser  uses state of the art electronics to control infusion.  The touch screen allows for flow rate infusion from 2.5 to 1000ml/min with the touch of a button.  The screen continuously displays total volume infused, infusion rate, fluid temperature and system pressure.  The disposable set is designed for easy set up and active air evacuation.  A 3-liter large volume reservoir is also available for high volume cases.

There are more than 3,000 systems in use in more than 30 countries throughout the world.  Widely used in major medical centers, community hospitals, and children’s hospitals, The Belmont® Rapid Infuser is a proven life saver.