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Máy thử kính

Máy thử kính,YLK-01,Bolan,TQ

Máy thử kính,YLK-01,Bolan,TQ


1.Nice apperance
2.Good quantity
3.Competitive price

Phoropter Specifications:

Sphere power: Range: +16.75 to -19.00D

                 Step: 0.25D

Cylinder power: range: 0.00D to -6.00D

           ( 0.00D to 8.00D with additional lens of-2.00D)

           Step: 0.25D

Cylinder axis: 0 to 180°,5°steps

Cross Cylinder: ±25 diopters

Cross-cylinder lens: ±0.25D

Rotary prisms: 0  to 20  1  steps
Auxiliary lens dial: [O]-Open aperture (two positions)
              [R]-Retinoscopic lens,+1.50D
              [P]-Polarizing lens,(45°left eye,135°right eye)
              [WMV]or[RMV]-Maddox rod,vertical 
                       white — left eye
                       Red — right eye
              [WMH]or[RMH]-Maddox rod,horizontal 
                       white - left eye
                       Red - right eye
              [GL]- Green Lens
              [RL]-red Lens
              [+.12]- +0.12D Sphere 
              [PH]- Pin hole
              [10 I]or [6 U]-10  base-in-left eye
                      6  base-up-right eye (Dissociating prisms)
             [±.50]-±0.50 fixed cross cyliner 
                        [OC]- Occluder
 P.D.adjustment: 48-75mm,1mm steps
 Standard Accessory : One near point card with holder and rod,dust cover,face shield and case for lenses.
 Standard Accessory lens:Two-.12D and -2.00 cylinder lenses. Two plano lenses for sealing front opening

 Net Dimensions: 345×295×85(mm)

 Net weight: Approx.4.5Kg
 Package Dimensions: 380×350×155(mm)
 Gross weight: 6Kg
