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Máy siêu âm,IMAGYNE,ECM,Pháp

Máy siêu âm,IMAGYNE,ECM,Pháp



Externally small, with a pleasing form, internally very powerful with the features of high-level ultrasound scanners. 

Powerful and easy to use, IMAGYNE offers an exceptional image quality. 

Designed using the latest technology, adapted to the medical environment (PC based, post processing, CFM, PW, CW, 4D), and benefiting from a large range of wide band probes (convex, micro convex, endo-vaginal, linear and phased array), IMAGYNE fits with all clinical applications and allows a reliable and fast diagnosis. 

You will be surprised by the simplicity and intuitiveness of the user interface, which enables you to work with all IMAGYNE features in a record time. 

From its design, IMAGYNE is versatile and progressive. It is also as easy to upgrade new software versions, as it is to intervene in after sales service.

ultrasound scannerIMAGYNE
 Post processing
Raw data treatment, after the patient has left, for a colleague’s advice or another specialist’s eye. 
Adjustment of multiple image parameters, including zoom and measurements, on frozen, stored and reloaded images and clips for image optimization, for better and faster diagnostics.

1. System Specifications
Display: 19’’ LCD adjustable
Resolution: 1024 x 1280
Keyboard: Backlit and 
  height adjustable
Intuitive user interface
3 transducer ports, 
  easily accessible
  66 cm x 75 cm x 130 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Printer shelf

2. Imaging modes
B, B/B, B/M Mode
Color Flow Mapping: 
  Velocity, Power (CFM)
Pulsed Wave Doppler (PW)
Triplex Mode
High PRF
Continuous Wave (CW) 
Trapezoidal imaging
Tissue Harmonic Imaging
Zoom (full screen, PIP)
Ima-pulse: Auto PW adjustment 
Measurements and tables
Text, annotations (customizable) 
Post processing

3. Storage & Connectivity
Hard drive storage
  (clip, images, patients)
CD/DVD writer
2 USB ports
RJ45 / Composite video / 
  Foot switch

4. Clinical applications
Obstetrics, Gynecology, General,
Abdominal, Cardiology, Vascular
Urology, Pediatrics, Small parts


Futher specifications available

Real-time 4D imaging • Volume display • Cube display • Multi-cut display • Slanting cut display
Light-weight ergonomic volumetric probes • Different acquisition speeds
Further specifications available