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Bộ dụng cụ,hút máu sót lại,A2600,Eletka,Hà Lan

Bộ dụng cụ,hút máu sót lại,A2600,Eletka,Hà Lan


Backlund Haematoma Evacuator Kit

Backlund Haematoma Evacuator Kit                            Enlarge image




Allows evacuation of haematomas through a single burr hole using stereotactic techniques.
Backlund Haematoma Evacuator Kit is designed for use with Leksell® Multi Purpose Stereotactic Arc and Leksell® Coordinate Frame G. 
The stop and guide inserts are made of plastic material. The water/airtight seal is constructed from rubber/teflon. All other parts are made of stainless steel.


Article No: A2600-01

Consisting of