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Máy gây mê,kèm thở,WATO EX-30 & EX-20,Mindray,TQ

Máy gây mê,kèm thở,WATO EX-30 & EX-20,Mindray,TQ


 The WATO EX-30 & EX-20 Series of anesthesia machines are suitable for general anesthesia in a wide range of operating theatre patients from children to adults. With stable function, advanced safety design, reliable performance and user-friendly interface, the WATO gives clinical users basic monitoring measurements on a colorful LCD screen with up to 3 waveforms, including Paw, TVe, MV, Ppeak, and Pmean, with graphs of pressure and flow at the same time. Except basic ventilation modes, WATO still offers advanced modes such as SIMV applicable for spontaneous breathing of patients. The powerful data review supports 24-hour trends for alarm events. Besides the integrated monitoring parameters, WATO also provides external monitoring covering sidestream of EtCO2

Extra features include

. Breathing circuit with CO2 bypass valve, which supports CO2 canister exchange during surgery
. Information message displayed on screen to confirm the correct assembly of a CO2 canister
. Information message displayed for the correct assembly of a breathing circuit to provide safety confirmation
. Multi-selectable display on a colorful LCD screen
. Contemporary and ergonomic considerations
. Electronically-controlled and pneumatically-driven ventilator
. VCV, Pressure mode, SIMV and Manual modes
. Allowing conjunction with up to 2 vaporizers
. On EX-30 and EX-20, minimum TV down to 40mL, making it suitable for patients from pediatric to adult   without changing the breathing circuit
. External module for sidestream EtCO2 measurement for EX-30
. Meets versatile applications, especially for low-flow anesthesia
. Compatible with Mindray patient monitors with a pre-designed mounting kit