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Máy đo chức năng hô hấp,MIROxi,Mir,Ý

Máy đo chức năng hô hấp,MIROxi,Mir,Ý




All parameters calculated are shown directly on the display
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Bluetooth® and USB
World s first
All in one
 MIROxi surpasses the limits of all conventional instruments
which can only record SpO2 and Pulse Rate.
Its extensive and innovative integrated functions make it
the most unique oximeter on the market!
MIROxi establishes
the new international standard in oximetry
 Up to 1,000 hours recording (2 or 4 seconds intervals)
Direct printer connection via Bluetooth®
Test data can be archived and then recalled using patient name
Graphic display with user friendly icons and messages to facilitate use
On-line PC connection with icon interface
Internal memory. with back-up of measured values, for up to 10 years even in absence of batteries
Data and graphs export also via e-mail

MIROxi Display - Click to EnlargeMIROxi Display - Click to Enlarge
 WinspiroPRO screen shot - Click to Enlarge
Sleep Oximery printout
Stand alone mode MIR Oxi calculates all parameters referred to in peer reviewed scientific literature and all principal “specific” statistical indexes by typology of test (ie: min, max, mean SpO2 and Pulse Rate, Delta Index, T90%, T89%, T88%, T87%, ODI, NOD, etc.).
All parameters are shown on the display without the need to connect to a PC.

 Possibility to insert “extra-oximetry” data 
(ie: dyspnea, fatigue, distance) for automatic calculation of special diagnostic indexes such as the AUC/Distance (Area Under the Curve/Walked Distance) which are very useful to compare two different walk tests carried out by the same patient.
 WinspiroPRO screen shot - Click to Enlarge
6 Minute Walk Test Printout
4 application
modes available
   Sleep oximetry with desaturation analysis
  6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT)
  Short and long term SpO2/BPM recording
  Real time test on PC
 MIROxi Display - Click to Enlarge
Sleep Oximetry Display

MIROxi Display - Click to Enlarge
6 Minutes Walk Test Display
PC software

WinspiroPRO PC Software - Click to Enlarge
go to software page segue

Possibility to modify the registered data (start/end walk test phase, ignore artefacts, etc.).

One of the most distinctive elements of the MIROxi is the “specialised and detailed”, report printout in colour which is easy to read and facilitates the diagnostic interpretation.

Connectivity & 
data transmission
 Wide range connectivity feasibilities and data transmissions:
  via USB.
  via RS232 (cable on request).
  via Bluetooth® to printer, PC, or mobile phone.
  via acoustic coupling to a normal phone for
  telemedicine applications.
Available options   Paediatric reusable probe
  Adult disposable probe
  RS232 cable for PC
 MIROxi Display - Click to Enlarge
Standard Configuration/Price Includes USB cable 
Carring case
User Manual
Adult reusable probe 
N°4 AAA alkaline batteries 
winspiroPRO PC software
 Spirobank II Carrying Case - Click to Enlarge
Basic parameters: SpO2 (Baseline, Min, Max, Mean), Pulse rate [Baseline, Min, Max, Mean], T90 [SpO2<90%], T89 [SpO2<89%], T88[SpO2<88%], T87[SpO2<87%], SpO2 Events, Pulse Rate Events [Bradycardia, Tachycardia], Δ Index [12s]
6 Minute Walk Test Specific Parameters: TΔ2 [SpO2≥2%], TΔ4 [ΔSpO2≥4%], Recording time, Time [Rest, Walking, Recovery], Walked Distance, Predicted Distance [Min, Standard], AUC/Distance, Borg Dyspnea [Baseline, End, Change], Borg Fatigue [Baseline, End, Change]
Sleep Test Specific Analysis: Total Desaturatin Events, Desaturation Index (ODI), Desaturation [Mean Value, Mean Duration, Longest Duration, Nadir Peak], ΔSpO2 [Min Drop, Max Drop], Total Pulse Variations, Pulse Rate Index, NOD 4 [SpO2 Baseline-4%; >5 minutes], NOD 89 [SpO2<89%; >5 minutes], NOD 90 [SpO2<90%; Nadir <86%; >5 minutes]
 WinspiroPRO screen shot - Click to Enlarge
Real time test on PC
Device Technical
Display:STN graphic, 128 x 64 pixels
Keyboard:Membrane, 6 Keys
Connectivity and data transmission:USB, RS232, Bluetooth®, acoustic coupling
Power Supply:4 x 1.5 V, AAA battery
Dimension:106 x 62 x 26 mm
160 grams (battery included)
SpO2 range:0-99%
SpO2 accuracy:± 2% between 70-99%  SpO2
Heart Rate range:30-254 BPM
Heart Rate accuracy:± 2 BPM or 2%, whichever is greater