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Máy thử thị lực,ACP-350,LINK INSTRUMENTS,TQ

Máy thử thị lực,ACP-350,LINK INSTRUMENTS,TQ


 Product Name:ACP-350

By the way of double locating, it would correct errors automatically.
Offering more clear and sharp pictures.
Increase the picture density; there are 5 icons in one line.
The charts are bigger; size: 33CM*22.5CM(in 5M refraction)
Projected by wireless remote controller.
Able to project the charts one by one.
Standard accessories, the metal board is covered by bias material.
Projection distance: 2-6(M)
Projection magnification: 30 × (in 5M refraction)
Projection size:330 × 225mm, Ø275mm (in 5M refraction)
Numbers of charts: 33
Chart change-over: 3 frame/sec
Numbers of masks: open 1, horizontal line
vertical line 8, single isolation 16, r and g 1
Tilt range: 10 ° horizontally as well as vertically
Projection lamp: 6V 20W (halogen lamp)
Automatic shut-off mechanism: 5 minutes
Electricity: AC 110V/60HZ or 220V/50HZ
Power consumption: 65W
Dimension: 196(W)×292(L)×234(H)(MM)
Weight: 6.5KGS