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Máy thử thị lực

Máy thử thị lực,ACP-300,LINK INSTRUMENTS,TQ

Máy thử thị lực,ACP-300,LINK INSTRUMENTS,TQ


 Product Name:ACP-300


· New design makes it look more mordern.

· Inspecting 30 charts and 35 masks.

· Provide with five kinds of chart of binocular balance, single vertical line, single horizontal line and single chart modes.

· Provide with different charts(Chart A, B and C) in order to satisfy needs of different countries.

· Filter function can be realized red / green display.

· High-definition projection screen.


·Projection distance:              1.5m-6m.

·Charts:                                  30 kinds.

·Filtering function:                   Red/Green.

·Speed of chart conversion:    0.03S.

·Program:                                2 sets program, each program contains up to 30 steps.

·Light:                                      Halogen lamp(12V, 50W)/LED (5V,5W).

·Auto-off function:                    5 minutes.

·Voltage:                                  AC220V/110V 50/60HZ.

·Dimensions:                            300(L) ×230(W )×240(H).

·Net Weight:                            6Kg