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Máy phá rung tim

Máy khử rung tim ,có màn hình,HD-9000D,Yangzhou Hongdu,TQ

Máy khử rung tim ,có màn hình,HD-9000D,Yangzhou Hongdu,TQ


ECG lead: Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ, a VR, a VL, a VF, V1-V6
S-T segment analysis: –2.0-2.0mv
Protegtion: withstand 4000v AV/50HZ voltage in isolation and work against electrosurgical interence and defibrillation.
ECG lead/cable: general lead/cable for adult, pediatric and neonatal patients

Sync and Non-synchronizer: outlife defibrillator
Sine wave: monophasic technology
Energy: 0, 20, 50,100,160,250,300,360 joule
Charging time: at 360J less than 10sec
Paddle options: reusable external adult and infant paddles (pediatric paddles integrated)
Paddle options: operates from the mains (AC) and with internal NIMH battery
7 TFT display