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Kim sinh thiết ,tự động, dùng nhiều lần,DeltaCut,Pajunk,Đức

Dụng cụ sinh thiết tự động, dùng nhiều lần,DeltaCut,Pajunk,Đức


Organ Puncture/Biopsy

Angiography Puncture Cannulae

The percutaneous introductory cannula of PAJUNK®  is available in various designs: made of high-grade stainless steel, with a hollow or a full-body stylet, the outer cannula with a beveled tip or a rounded, blunt tip, and also fashioned as a one-part puncture cannula. Its funnel-shaped Luer-connector permits easy introduction of the guidance wire. The blunt, thin-walled outer cannula is electropolished, and it is equipped with an exactly fitting puncture stylet. This ensures low friction, thus permitting corresponding treatment with practically no effort at all.

The Essentials at a glance:
  • Simple introduction of guidance wires 0.035
  •  Guidance wires up to 0.038
  • A variety of different tip geometries


    Product SizeItem No. PU 
    Angiography Cannula 
    Two-piece, with full-body stylet and handle plate18 G x 70 mm 217S12007010
    Two-piece, with hollow stylet and handle plate 18 G x 70 mm 216S12007010
    One-parted puncture cannula 
    with Facet Polish cannula 18 G x 80 mm 1107-3L08010
    Seldinger Cannula18 G x 70 mm 061151-30S10




    • one-handed application
    • CT - compatible
    • ergonomic handle
    • infinitely variable adjustment of puncture depth between 15 - 22 mm The DeltaCut cannula system of PAJUNK® can be applied extremely accurate, precise and fast:

      • è2-colored indication of functional status for monitoring the system
      • èinfinitely variable puncture depth between 15 - 22 mm

      • 2 triggers permit ergonomic handling for right- and left-handed application
      • contamination - safe inclusion of the biopsy material Delta cut in locked or unlocked position - the biopsy cannula is positioned safely in the mount of the device: The Delta Cut tip - for more sharpness and guaranteed safety: