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Máy điều trị u sơ tiền liệt tuyến

Máy điều trị u sơ tiền liệt tuyến,Thermaspectm,Medispec/ Mỹ

Máy điều trị u sơ tiền liệt tuyến,Thermaspectm,Medispec/ Mỹ

 Thermaspec Highlights:

Fast treatment - Average treatment time one hour
Highly efficient - Reduces urinary frequency, urgency and intermittent flow
Easy to employ and monitor (treatment can be supervised by auxiliary
No ambulatory admittance required
Low cost of consumables
Fast withdrawal of Foley Catheter
One common protocol for all patients

Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Prostatitis
Medispec s Thermaspec offers an effective approach to the treatments of BPH and Prostatitis. It is a transurethral microwave-based system (TUMT) designed for administering localized thermotherapy treatments.

The Thermaspec provides significant clinical advantages over traditional hyperthermia treatments by applying heat therapy directly to the cells of the enlarged prostate.

The Thermaspec minimizes the notable side-effects and risks of impotence and infertility associated with more radical treatment methods. Therefore, treatment with the Thermaspec is the ideal solution for sexually active, as well as high risk patients. The treatments are performed on an outpatient basis and require no anesthesia.

The Thermaspec provides the physician with a cost effective and user-friendly solution for the treatments of BPH and Prostatitis. Since its components (including the microwave applicator) are reusable, the catheter is the only disposable required.
The Thermaspec is simple to operate and maintain, mobile and compact. It is appropriate for the needs of users ranging from small clinics to the urological departments of large medical centers.

 *The Thermaspec is currently not approved by the FDA and is not available in the United States.
For further information, please contact us at marketing@medispec.com


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