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Thiết bị Laser

Hệ thống máy phẫu thuật tật khúc xạ mắt,WaveLight® Allegretto Wave® Eye-Q Laser,Alcon,Mỹ

Hệ thống máy phẫu thuật tật khúc xạ mắt,WaveLight® Allegretto Wave® Eye-Q Laser,Alcon,Mỹ


WaveLight® Allegretto Wave® Eye-Q Laser

Excimer Laser System

OptiLASIK® Laser Vision Correction is backed by the innovative technology and advanced performance of the WaveLight® Allegretto Wave® Eye-Q Laser.

Equipped with all the advantages of the proven WaveLight® Allegretto Wave® Eye-Q Laser technology, the WaveLight® Allegretto Wave® Eye-Q Laser is one step closer to optimal laser vision correction.

Refractive Laser

The WaveLight® Allegretto Wave® Eye-Q Laser was designed based on an idea that was once only an imagination: a system with shortened surgery times, innovative and reliable eye tracking, and a clear ergonomic concept. An enhanced pulse frequency of 400 Hz provides even faster treatments. The laser also includes an eye-tracking system adjusted to the high speed of the laser beam and a cross line projector for precise centration.

Its proven state-of-the-art technology provides excellent results in both Wavefront Optimized® and Wavefront-Guided laser vision correction. The Eye-Q provides the physician and patient both safety and reliability.

Read the Product Information (Brief Statement of Intended Use)