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Bàn mổ,JY·D-,keling,TQ

Bàn mổ,JY·D-,keling,TQ


JY·D-integrated operating table is mainly used for thoracic surgery, ophthalmology, ENT, obstetrics and gynecology, urology and other general operations.
     The product adopts the foot-performed hydraulic pump which combines oil pump and box with transfer mechanism , while controlling the motion of the table by using imported ring, screw drive and cylinder. This kind of operating table can rotate in an angle of 360 ° and  can be adjustable for the "∧" body type. The table board can conduct X-ray examination and photography. It possesses characters such as  easy to use, reliable location, reasonable compact, innovative design and so on.
Technical Specifications:
Maximum and minimum height of the platform:(740~1000)±50mm
Horizontal rotary:360°
Front inclination:≥20°
Backward inclination:≥15°
Left inclination:≥25°
Back board fold upward:≥60°
Back board fold downward:≥10°
Head board Fold upward:≥20°
Head board Fold downward:≥90°
Leg board Fold downward:≥90°
Leg board Fold outside:≥90°
Waist angles upward"∧"200°
Waist angles downward"∨"120°
Table rated load capacity:180Kg