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Trụ khí treo trần phòng mổ

Trụ khí ,treo trần ,phòng mổ ,KL-T·IIBY,Keling ,TQ

Trụ khí ,treo trần ,phòng mổ ,KL-T·IIBY,Keling ,TQ


KL-T·IIBY Two-armed Pendant
    KL-T·IIBY Two-armed Light Pendant is a necessary equipment for modern operation rooms. It has the function of horizontal rotation, and meanwhile structured with separate dry and wet sections or central part. Swivel arm by a high-strength aluminum alloy extrusion molding has high carrying capacity and streamline shape. With the pneumatic brake and damper device, excursion is successfully prevented. Extending arm can move in a more range, you can move it to anywhere you would like easily. Some medical machines of certain weight can be placed on the board or in the drawer. All kinds of terminals such as for medical gas, electricity, network are gathered on the control board. In a word, this equipment is a perfect workstation for operation rooms and ICU sickrooms.