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Electric parturition bed(HFEPB99F)

Technical Data:
The model HFEPB99F electrical operated obstetric table is a new product. It is designed on the base of gynecology clinical examination and the special request of treatment. It can bused for gynecology, urology surgery, mirror chedk and diagnosis. The bed surface is streamline and conforms to the patient body posture. The dynamoelectric adjustment satisfy whole inclination. The obstetric table altitude is adjusted by the whole inclination. The bed surface, the head pillow is made of polyurethane cushion which is easy to unlade and sterilize. The bed two sides might install the vagina mirror according to hte customer request. There is hide ordure basin under the bed, it is easy to handle dirty water and sundry goods.

1. Length: 1200mm
2. Width :600mm
3. Mix Height: 1320mm
4. Min Height: 600mm

Main Function and date:
1. Reversed Trendelenburg: ≥20°
2. Trendelenburg: ≥25°
3. Manual voltage controller: DC24W
4. Power: AC 220V, 50HZ
5. Volume:148×91×130cm