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Ghế khám sản

Gường khám sản,HFEPB99A,HUIFENG,TQ

Gường khám sản,HFEPB99A,HUIFENG,TQ


Electric Parturition Bed(HFEPB99A)

Technical Data:
Electric Parturition Bed(HFEPB99A) has Various functions including giving birth to baby,gynecology surgical operation, examining a patient, checking and caesarean operation.
The whole rising, descent, forward of, backward of the inclination were manipul-ated by controller of Usage convenience, vivid (the switch is a feet control of), take to use of is an electric motor, low noise, function stability, reverse side importing is an air to is driving, and the angle can regulate. The auxiliary set by hand manipulates of, can be concealed. The whole of ambulation with fix and is what foot control.
The plank,basin of all outer shells,setall uses whatstainless steel make intoes. That can be chosen is the color of the softmat.

1. Length: 1330mm
2. Width :600mm
3. Height: 750-990mm

Main Function and date:
1. Reversed Trendelenburg: ≥12°
2. Trendelenburg: ≥12°
3. Back Section Raised From the Horizontal: 0°~60°
4. Support setlength Length: 550mm
5. Support setlength Width: 490mm
6. Power: AC 220V, 50HZ
7. Volume:158×94×103cm