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Máy garo hơi cầm máu

Garo hơi cầm máu ,DZ,HUIFENG,TQ

Garo hơi cầm máu ,DZ,HUIFENG,TQ

DZ Electrical Pneumatic Hemostat
DZ Electrical Pneumatic Hemostat
Characteristic :
DZ-type electric pneumatic hemostat is common blood arresting
Apparatus for surgery and orthopedics department and first-aid room.
In orthopedics operation and surgical emergency treatment, It can be used to blockade bleeding of limbs by pneumatic method.
Three tourniquet in large size, medium size and small size.
Technical Data:
1. Power Supply: 220V, 50Hz
2. Rated Output: ≤15W
3. Pressure Range: 0.01Mpa~ 0.09Mpa
4. Alarming Time: 30m, 60m, 90m, 120m and Hand-Actuated.