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Máy garo hơi cầm máu

Garo hơi cầm máu ,QZ-1,HUIFENG,TQ

Garo hơi cầm máu ,QZ-1,HUIFENG,TQ


Pneumatic Tourniquet(QZ-1)
QZ-1 Pneumatic Tourniquet
This tourniquet is intended for use in operation on limbs in hospital to arrest bleeding of limbs through manual pneumatic method. This product has such characteristics as small size, portabele weight, convenient for use and good blood arresting effect. Three sizes of pneumatic tourniquet are available, large-sized, medium-sized and small-sized, respectively for adult lower limbs, adult upper limbs and childs lower limbs and child upper limbs.
Technical Data:
1. Air pressure limit: 0-0.12MPA(positive)
2. Package: 48*30*20cm
3. Gross Weight:10 Kg
4. Qty. /Package:5PCS