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MÔI TRƯỜNG NUÔI CẤY VI SINH,Phần 9,Hãng Titan Biotech - Ấn Độ

MÔI TRƯỜNG NUÔI CẤY VI SINH,Phần 9,Hãng Titan Biotech - Ấn Độ

Danh mục môi trường vi sinh - Phần 9


Code No.

Product Name

Pack Size

TM 1029

MUG MACCONKEY AGAR (Store below 8º C) (for selective isolation and detection of lactose fermenting coliform organisms by fluorogenic method.)

500 gm

TM 1391

MUG MFC AGAR (Store below 8º C) (for cultivatiing and enumerating faecal coliforms by the membrane filter technique.)

500 gm

TM 1030

MUG NUTRIENT AGAR (Store below 8º C) (for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic method.)

500 gm

TM 1031

MUG PLATE COUNT AGAR (Store below 8º C) (for determination of plate count of microorganisms in milk and other dairy products by fluorogenic method.)

500 gm

TM 1200

MUG PSEUDOMONAS AGAR BASE (FLUOROGENIC PREUDOMONAS AGAR BASE) (Store below 8º C) (for selective isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by fluorogenic method.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1392

MUG SORBITOL AGAR (Store below 8º C) (for isolation and identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli associated with infant diarrhoea by fluorogenic method.)

500 gm

TM 1235

MUG TRYPTONE SOYA AGAR (MUG CASO AGAR) (Store below 8º C) (for cultivation of fastidious and nonfastidious microorganisms using fluorogenic method.)

500 gm

TM 1236

MUG TRYPTONE WATER (Store below 8º C) (for detection of indole production by microorganisms using fluorogenic method.)

500 gm

TM 1032

MUG VIOLET RED BILE AGAR (Store below 8º C) (for detection and enumeration of coliform organisms by a fluorogenic method.)

500 gm

TM 1033

MY 40 AGAR (OSMOPHILIC AGAR) (for detection and isolation of osmophilic microorganisms from food samples.)

500 gm

TM 1034

MY 40G AGAR (OSMOPHILIC GLUCOSE AGAR) (for isolation and cultivation of osmotolerant microorganisms from foods. )

500 gm

TM 197

MYP AGAR BASE (PHENOL RED EGG YOLK POLYMYXIN AGAR BASE) (for isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci and Bacillus species.)

100 gm


500 gm

TS 058


5 vl

TS 002

EGG YOLK EMULSION (100 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 1237

MYP AGAR BASE (PHENOL RED EGG YOLK POLYMYXIN AGAR BASE) (as per BIS) (for isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci and Bacillus species.)

100 gm


500 gm

TS 058


5 vl

TS 002

EGG YOLK EMULSION (100 ml/vl) (Store below 8ºC)

5 vl

TM 337

MACCONKEY AGAR W/CV, NACL, 0.15 BILE SALTS & 1% LACTOSE (for isolation of coliform and lactose fermenting enteric bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 338

MACCONKEY AGAR W/CV NaCl, 0.15% BILE SALTA & 3% LACTOSE (for identification of Enterococci in the presence of coliform organisms and enteric pathogens.)

500 gm

TM 379

MACCONKEY AGAR W/O 0.15% BILE SALTS, CV & NaCl (for selective isolation and differentiation of coliform organisms and other enteric bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 231

MACCONKEY AGAR W/1.35% AGAR, CV, NaCl & 0.15% BILE SALTS (as per B.P./USP) (for selective isolation & differentiation of lactose fermenting & nonfermenting enteric bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 378

MACCONKEY AGAR W/SODIUM TAUROCHOLATE W/O. CV & NaCl. (for cultivation and differentiation of enteric bacteria and gram positive organisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1694

MACCONKEY AGAR W/SODIUM TAUROCHOLATE W/O. CV & NaCl (VEG.) (for cultivation and differentiation of enteric bacteria and gram positive organisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 232

MACCONKEY AGAR W/0.075 NR, 0.5% BILE SALTS & 1.2% AGAR W/O. CV & NaCl (for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and nonlactose fermenting enteric bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1695

MACCONKEY AGAR W/O.075 NR, 0.5% BILE SALTS & 1.2% AGAR W/O. CV & NaCl (VEG.) (for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and nonlactose fermenting enteric bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 349

MACCONKEY AGAR W/O. CV, W/0.15% BILE SALTS (for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose nonfermenting enteric bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1696

MACCONKEY AGAR W/O. CV, W/0.15% BILE SLATS (VEG.) (for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and nonlactose fermenting enteric bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 528

MACCONKEY AGAR W/O. CV, W/1.2% AGAR (for selective isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose nonfermenting enteric bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 527

MACCONKEY AGAR W/O. CV, NaCl. W/O.075 NR & BILE SALTS (for selective isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose nonfermenting enteric bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1573

MACCONKEY AGAR W/O CV, NaCl w/ 0.5% SODIUM TAUROCHOLATE (for cultivation & differentiation of enteric bacteria, restricting swarming of Proteus from samples like urine which carry large number of Proteus as well as pathogenic gram-positive organisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1574

MACCONKEY AGAR W/ CV, NaCl w/ 0.5% BILE SALT (for cultivation & differentiation of enteric bacteria, restricting swarming of Proteus from samples like urine which carry large number of Proteus as well as pathogenic gram-positive organisms.)

500 gm

TM 1575

MACKCONKEY AGAR W/ 0.15% BILE SALT, CV & NaCl (for selective isolation and differentiation of coliforms and other enteric pathogens.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1035

MACCONKEY AGAR MEDIUM (for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and nonfermenting enteric bacteria and for isolation of faecal Streptococci.)

500 gm

TM 1697

MACCONKEY AGAR MEDIUM (as per USP) (for selective isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non fermenting enteric bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 1698

MACCONKEY AGAR MEDIUM (as per IP) (for selective isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non fermenting enteric bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 1036

MACCONKEY AGAR (as per BIS) (for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose nonfermenting enteric bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 198

MACCONKEY AGAR W/BROMO THYMOL BLUE (for detection of lactose fermenting enteric bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 199

MACCONKEY AGAR BASE (for detection of carbohydrate fermentation by adding single or multiple carbohydrates.)

500 gm

TM 1777

MACCONKEY AGAR W/MAGNESIUM SULPHATE (for isolation & differentiation of gram negative bacilli & suppressing the swarming of Proteus species).

500 gm

TM 582

MACCONKEY AGAR, MODIFIED (for isolation of Klebsiella species from water samples.)

100 gm

TM 322

MACCONKEY BROTH W/NEUTRAL RED ( for selective enrichment and enumeration of coliforms from water.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1699

MACCONKEY BROTH W/NEUTRAL RED (VEG.) (for selective enrichment and enumeration of coliforms from water.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1238

MACCONKEY BROTH W/NEUTRAL RED (as per BIS) (for selective enrichment and enumeration of coliforms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 380

MACCONKEY BROTH W/NEUTRAL RED (DOUBLE STRENGTH) (for primary isolation of coliforms in water from small and big samples.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1700

MACCONKEY BROTH W/NEUTRAL RED (DOUBLE STRENGTH) (VEG.) (for primary isolation of coliforms in water from small and big samples.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1239

MACCONKEY BROTH W/NEUTRAL RED (DOUBLE STRENGTH) (as per BIS) (for primary isolation of coliforms from large samples like water.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 583

MACCONKEY BROTH W/ 3% LACTOSE AND NEUTRAL RED (for selective isolation and cultivation of coliforms.)

500 gm

TM 404

MACCONKEY BROTH W/O. NaCl, W/ NR (as per IP) (for selective isolation and cultivation of coliforms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 529

MACCONKEY BROTH W/BCP & NaCl (for presumptive identification of coliforms from water, milk and foods etc.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1701

MACCONKEY BROTH W/BCP & NaCl (VEG.) (for presumptive identification of coliforms from water, milk and foods etc.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 381

MACCONKEY BROTH W/BCP (DOUBLE STRENGTH.) (for presumptive identification of coliforms from large samples.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1702

MACCONKEY BROTH (as per USP) (for presumptive identification of coliforms from various samples like water, milk & food products.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 323

MACCONKEY BROTH W/BCP W/O. NaCl (as per EP) (for presumptive identification of coliforms from water, milk and foods.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1240

MACCONKEY BROTH W/BCP (as per BIS) (for presumptive identification of coliforms from water, milk and foods.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 201

MACCONKEY SORBITOL AGAR (for isolation and identification of enteropathogenic E.coli strains associated with infant diarrhoea.)

500 gm

TM 1393

MACCONKEY SORBITOL AGAR BASE (a selective medium for isolation and detection of Escherichia coli 0157:H7.)

500 gm

TS 087


5 vl

TM 1241

MAINTENANCE (SCY) MEDIUM (for maintenance of iron bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 1242

MAINTENANCE MEDIUM FOR B.SUBTILIS ATCC 6633 (for maintenance of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 as the test organism for assay of antibiotics.)

100 gm

TM 633

MALACHITE GREEN BROTH (for selective enrichment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.)

500 gm

TM 202

MALONATE BROTH (for differentiation of Enterobacter and Escherichia on the basis of malonate utilization.)

100 gm

TM 203

MALONATE BROTH EWING MODIFIED (for differentiation of members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of malonate utilization.)

100 gm

TM 382

MALT AGAR (for cultivation and isolation of yeasts and molds.)

500 gm

TM 204

MALT EXTRACT AGAR BASE W/ MYCOLOGICAL PEPTONE (for detection, isolation and enumeration of yeasts and molds.)

500 gm

TS 049

10% LACTIC ACID SOLUTION (10 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 1703

MALT EXTRACT AGAR BASE (VEG.) (for detection, isolation and enumeration of yeasts and molds.)

500 gm

TS 049

10% LACTIC ACID SOLUTION (10 ml/vl) (Store below 8°C)

5 vl

TM 1243

MALT EXTRACT AGAR BASE, MODIFIED (as per Thom and Church) (for isolation and cultivation of yeasts and molds.)

500 gm

TM 1704

MALT EXTRACT AGAR BASE, MODIFIED (VEG.) (for isolation and cultivation of yeasts and molds.)

500 gm

TM 205

MALT EXTRACT BROTH BASE (for detection and enumeration of yeasts, molds and aciduric microorganisms.)

500 gm

TS 049

10% LACTIC ACID SOLUTION (10 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 1705

MALT EXTRACT BROTH BASE (VEG.) (for detection and enumeration of yeasts, molds and aciduric microorganisms.)

500 gm

TS 049

10% LACTIC ACID SOLUTION (10 ml/vl) (Store below 8°C)

5 vl

TM 1244

MALT EXTRACT BROTH, MODIFIED ( as per Thom and Church) (for cultivation and enumeration of yeasts and molds.)

500 gm


MALT EXTRACT PASTE (for bacteriology)

500 gm


MALT EXTRACT POWDER (for bacteriology)

500 gm


MALT EXTRACT (STD) TBL POWDER (Culture Media Ingredient.)

500 gm

TM 1576

MANNITOL AGAR W/PRILLON (for differentiation of Salmonellae from Proteus species.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 784

MANNITOL LYSINE AGAR (for selective isolation of Salmonellae other than Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi A.)

500 gm

TM 531

MANNITOL MOTILITY NITRATE MEDIUM (for studying mannitol fermentation, nitrate reduction and motility of bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 530

MANNITOL MOTILITY TEST MEDIUM (for studying mannitol fermentation and motility of bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 206

MANNITOL SALT AGAR BASE (for selective isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci.)

100 gm


500 gm

TS 002

EGG YOLK EMULSION (100 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 1707

MANNITOL SALT AGAR MEDIUM (as per USP) (for selective isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci.)

100 gm


500 gm

TS 002

EGG YOLK EMULSION (100 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 402

MANNITOL SALT AGAR (as per IP) (for selective isolation and detection of Staphylococcus aureus.)

100 gm


500 gm

TS 002

EGG YOLK EMULSION (100 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 1706

MANNITOL SALT AGAR BASE (VEG.) (for selective isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci.)

100 gm


500 gm

TS 002

EGG YOLK EMULSION (100 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 403

MANNITOL SALT BROTH (for selective isolation of presumptive pathogenic Staphylococci.)

500 gm

TM 1708

MANNITOL SALT BROTH (VEG.) (for selective isolation of presumptive pathogenic Staphylococci.)

500 gm

TM 1454

MANNITOL SELENITE BROTH (DOUBLE PACK) (for selective enrichment of Salmonellae from clinical samples.)

500 gm


TM 785

MANNITOL SELENITE BROTH W/ BRILLIANT GREEN (DOUBLE PACK) (for encrichment of Salmonellae from faeces and food products.)

500 gm

TM 207

MARINE AGAR 2216 (ZOBELL MARINE AGAR) (for isolation and enumeration of heterotrophic marine bacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 208

MARINE BROTH 2216 (ZOBELL MARINE BROTH) for cultivation of heterotrophic marine bacteria.

100 gm


500 gm

TM 782

MARINE OXIDATION FERMENTATION MEDIUM (MOF MEDIUM) (for differentiation of marine bacteria on the basis of fermentation and oxidation of carbohydrates.)

500 gm

TM 209

MAXIMUM RECOVERY DILUENT (a protective and isotonic diluent used for maximal recovery of microorganisms.)

500 gm

TM 905

MCBRIDE LISTERIA AGAR BASE (for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria species from clinical samples.)

500 gm

TS 096


5 vl

TM 210

MCCLUNG TOABE AGAR BASE (for detection and isolation of Clostridium perfringens in foods.)

500 gm

TS 002

EGG YOLK EMULSION (100ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 1040

MEAT EXTRACT W/ PEPTONE (PEPTED MEAT BROTH) (for cultivation and maintenance of Alcaligenes species.)

500 gm


MEAT EXTRACT PASTE (BACTO GRADE) (for bacteriology use)

500 gm


MEAT EXTRACT POWDER (BACTO GRADE) (for bacteriology use)

500 gm


MEAT EXTRACT (STD) TBL POWDER (used as culture media ingredient.)

500 gm

TM 864

MEAT INFUSION AGAR (STANDARD INFUSION AGAR) (for mass cultivation of microorganisms for vaccine or toxin production.)

500 gm


MEAT INFUSION POWDER (for vaccine production.)

500 gm


MEAT PEPTONE (Culture Media Ingredient)

500 gm


MEAT PEPTONE-P (peptic digest animal meat tissue.)

500 gm


MEAT PEPTONE-T (tryptic digest animal meat tissue.)

500 gm

TM 1041

MEHLMAN’S MAINTENANCE MEDIUM (for maintenance of Campylobacter species.)

500 gm

TM 614

MICROBIAL CONTENT TEST AGAR (TRYPTONE SOYA AGAR W/ TWEEN 80 AND LECITHIN (Store below 8º C) (for detection & enumeration of microorganisms present on the surfaces of sanitary imporatance.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 590

MIDDLEBROOK 7H9 AGAR BASE (for isolation, cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.)

500 gm

TM 213

MIDDLEBROOK 7H9 BROTH BASE (for cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.)

500 gm

TS 050


5 vl

TM 214

MIDDLEBROOK 7H10 AGAR BASE (for isolation, cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.)

500 gm

TS 060


5 vl

TM 618

MIDDLEBROOK 7H10 AGAR BASE, ‘TBL’ (for isolation, cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.)

500 gm

TS 060


5 vl

TM 786

MIDDLEBROOK 7H11 AGAR BASE (for isolation, cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacteria.)

500 gm

TS 060


5 vl

TM 215

MIDDLEBROOK 7H11 AGAR BASE W/O. MALACHITE GREEN (for isolation, cultivation and determination of antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycobacteria.)

500 gm

TS 060


5 vl

TM 445

MILK AGAR (for enumeration of bacteria in milk and milk products, rinse waters and icecreams etc.)

500 gm

TM 217

MILK AGAR (BROWN AND SCOTT, MODIFIED) (DOUBLE PACK) (for enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in swimming pool waters.)

500 gm

TM 218

MILK AGAR W/CETRIMIDE (DOUBLE PACK) (for cultivation and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water.)

500 gm

TM 787

MILK AGAR W/CETRIMIDE (as per BIS) (DOUBLE PACK) (for detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water. )

120 gm


500 gm

TM 788

MILK MEDIUM WITH A REDUCING AGENT (for determination of litmus reaction of Clostridium species.)

500 gm

TM 1042

MILK SALT AGAR BASE (for selective isolation and cultivation of Staphylococci.)

500 gm

TM 376

MILLER LURIA BERTANI AGAR (LURIA BERTANI AGAR, MILLER) (for cultivation and maintenance of bacteria for genetic and molecular studies)

500 gm

TM 406

MILLER LURIA BERTANI BROTH (LURIA BERTANI BROTH, MILLER) (for cultivation and maintenance of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli.)

500 gm

TM 1245

MINERAL MODIFIED GLUTAMATE MEDIUM BASE (DOUBLE STRENGTH) (DOUBLE PACK) (for enumeration of coliform bacteria in water.)

500 gm

TM 1043

MINERAL MODIFIED GLUTAMATE MEDIUM BASE (DOUBLE STRENGTH) (for enumeration of coliform bacteria in water.)

500 gm

TM 591

MINIMAL AGAR (for isolation and characterization of nutritional mutants of Escherichia coli.)

500 gm

TM 219

MINIMAL BROTH, DAVIS (for isolation and characterization of nutritional mutants of Escherichia coli.)

500 gm

TM 220

MINIMAL BROTH, DAVIS W/O. DEXTROSE (for isolation and characterization of nutritional mutants of Escherichia coli.)

500 gm

TM 1044

5X MINIMUM SALTS (for cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli.)

500 gm

TM 1045

MINIMUM SALTS W/ CASEIN ACID HYDROLYSATE (for cultivation of Escherichia coli strains used for genetic and molecular studies.)

500 gm

TM 221

MITIS SALIVARIUS AGAR BASE (for isolation of Streptococci from mixed cultures, especially Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus salivarius and Streptococcus faecalis.)

500 gm

TS 005

POTASSIUM TELLURITE 1% (1 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 1623

MN AGAR (for detection of Leptothrix by its ability to oxidize manganous ions.)

500 gm

TM 1246

MODIFIED AEA SPORULATION MEDIUM BASE (for early sporulation of Clostridium perfringens from foods.)

500 gm

TM 1247

MODIFIED BILE ESCULIN AZIDE AGAR (for selective isolation and enumeration of group D Streptococci.)

500 gm

TM 1248

MODIFIED BRUCELLA AGAR BASE (for cultivation and selective isolation of thermotolerant Campylobacter species.)

500 gm

TS 007


5 vl

TS 008


5 vl

TM 1249

MODIFIED BUFFERED CHARCOAL AGAR BASE (for isolation and cultivation of Legionella species from clinical and other samples.)

100 gm

TS 016


5 vl

TS 017


5 vl

TS 018


1 vl

TS 019


5 vl

TM 1807

MODIFIED CARY-BLAIR MEDIUM (for collection and shipment of clinical samples)

500 gm



500 gm

TM 080

MODIFIED CZAPEK DOX AGAR (CZAPEK DOX AGAR, MODIFIED) (for cultivation and maintenance of fungi.)

500 gm

TM 1046

MODIFIED DIFFERENTIAL CLOSTRIDIAL BROTH (for enumeration of Clostridia from foods and other samples by MPN technique.)

500 gm

TM 1461

MODIFIED DUNCAN STRONG (DS) MEDIUM (for cultivation and differentiation of Clostridium perfringens from other Clostridia on the basis of raffinose fermentation.)

500 gm

TM 1047

MODIFIED EC BROTH BASE (for isolation of Escherichia coli 0157:H7)

500 gm

TS 051


5 vl

TM 1252 46.80 500 gm 2035

MODIFIED ENDO AGAR BASE(Store below 8º C) (for determination of coliforms in natural waters where antibacterial treatment has not been done.)


TS 209

BASIC FUCHSIN (0.17 gm/vl)

5 vl

TM 223

MODIFIED FUNGAL AGAR BASE (MODIFIED INHIBITORY MOLD AGAR BASE) (Store below 8º C) (for estimation of molds in cosmetics and toiletaries.)

500 gm