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Máy cắt bệnh phẩm lạnh,SRM 200,Sakura,Nhật

Máy cắt bệnh phẩm lạnh,SRM 200,Sakura,Nhật


Accu-Cut® SRM™ 200 Rotary Microtome

A cutting-edge solution

The Accu-Cut® SRM™ 200 Rotary Microtome offers reliable histologic technology, meeting basic manually operated microtome needs of today’s busy laboratory.

Compatible with Accu-Edge® Disposable Blades, the Accu-Cut® SRM™ 200 ensures superior sectioning in the precise art of cutting quality tissue samples section after section, time after time.

The SRM™ 200 ensures secure, precise positioning of specimen block with universal cassette and orientation clamps while facilitating exact, rapid trimming via a trimming lever, which enables specimen advancement of 10 or 50 microns. Micron thickness is handled by an adjustable visual display to ensure accuracy. A universal blade holder base, featuring lateral displacement, allows operators to use the full length of the microtome blade without releasing the blade clamping mechanism or direct blade manipulation.

The SRM™ 200 hand wheel is designed to run smoothly, minimizing hand stress for maximum efficiency and productivity. Finally, a sliding cover protects against sectioning debris, allowing minimal cleaning and maintenance.

  • Universal cassette clamp and orienting clamp
  • Adjustable trimming lever
    • 10 or 50 micron advancement
  • Compact, ergonomic design
  • Smooth-running hand wheel
  • Adjustable visual display of micron setting
  • Universal blade holder base with lateral displacement feature
    • No manual blade manipulation
  • Designed for use with Accu-Edge® Disposable Blades
  • Sliding cover
  • Available as a retracting or nonretracting microtome
Application: Sectioning of paraffin-embedded specimens for routine and research histology
Product Codes: #1429 (with retraction)
#1429N (without retraction)

Centimeters (W x D x H): 40 x 47 x 29
Inches (W x D x H): 15.8 x 18.5 x 11.6

Weight: 29 kg (64 lb) without accessories
Section Thickness Range: 0.5 – 60 µm
Specimen Retraction: 220 µm
Trimming Steps: 10 µm or 50 µm
Displacement of Blade Holder Base: Vertical and horizontal directions
Compatible Blade Types:
  • Disposable high- and low-profile steel knives
  • Disposable high- and low-profile blades
  • Reusable steel knives