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Máy chụp cộng hưởng từ MRI

Hệ thống MRI,BTI-050,Basda,TQ

Hệ thống MRI,BTI-050,Basda,TQ

BTI-050 MRI system
DICOM image standard interface, easy image printing and network transmission. Output with civilian image format, easy for doctors store images, unique automatic calibration technology and the rapid sequence of line scan function of the application of a significant reduction in inspection time. As the advanced multi-layer multi-angle scanning technology, you can easily complete any direction at any angle of three-dimensional imaging. Mature and advanced imaging technology, water suppressed imaging, fat suppression imaging, water imaging of pancreatic duct system, ureter and bladder; spinal imaging, vascular imaging, diffusion imaging, the heart of the power of movies. Excellent imaging quality of vascular and diffusion. Facilitate the practical MRI diagnostic report templates to make your MRI report written more conveniently.

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