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Nồi hấp cửa trên

Nồi hấp tiệt trùng ,CLASS N-ZYG-S-2.2B ,Yongfeng,TQ

Nồi hấp tiệt trùng  ,CLASS N-ZYG-S-2.2B   ,Yongfeng,TQ



Table pressure steam disinfector
CLASS N - ZYG-S-2.2B (2.2L)

Technical parameters:
Power supply: 220V 50Hz
Power: 300W
Volume: 2.2L
Inner cavity size: 150*230mm
Package size: 405*345*490mm


Model ZYG-S-2.2B is in accordance with European Standard Class N with its thermal drying function being suitable for disinfection for Class A hollow apparatus and solid core apparatus. The wastewater device is connected.
Sterilization work pressure is 0.11Mpa(121°C). It conforms with disinfection standards issued by the Hygiene Ministry. It can kill hepatitis B virus and AIDS virus thoroughly. 
The bearings and seal ring of the handset are strong and not easily damaged.
It is specially designed for the tooth Department. 12 turbine handsets can be put in at the same time with half an hour circular time. With at a power consumption of 0.4 kilowatt-hour, it is economical and energy-efficient. It is widely used in clinics and Department of stomatology of the comprehensive hospitals.