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RF(Mono-Polar + Tri-Polar) System,ATLAS,ATM,Korea

RF(Mono-Polar + Tri-Polar) System,ATLAS,ATM,Korea



ATLAS is the useful equipment for making collagen increased and for the purpose of the lipolysis by delivering the strong energy into the dermis or subcutaneous layers by the use of 1Mz frequency.
Unlike the previous high frequency equipment, ATLAS can achieve the satisfactory effects to protect the epidermis perfectly without pain through the ice power cooling system eventhough the higher heat is delivered.
As it is comprised of Multi-polar, the usage of RF can control shapes of face and body efficiently.

By means of multi-polar technology,it can immediately make the skin more elastic throuth the intensive and
simul-taneous heating for epidermis and demis and also make the body fat dissolved easly by weaking the adherence of fatty cells in the subcutaneous fat as well as by removing the celluite.
▷ Artificial intelligent power adjustment
▷ Power cooling(-5℃)
▷ No pain
▷ Non-invasive treatment of both superficial and deeper fat layers
▷ Multi polar-fast and effective treatments




 Refer to the manual


 Multi polar


 550mm(W), 640mm(L), 950mm(H)



 Electrical requirements


