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CO2 Fractional Laser System ,ATM,Korea

CO2 Fractional Laser System ,ATM,Korea


  C02 Fractional resurfacing laser efficiently and effectively improves acne scars, pores and minor wrinkles and creates uniform and consistent skin resurfacing results through superficially targeting the epidermis or promoting collagen remodelling in the dermis.  
As a CO2 Fractional laser by scanner type, this equipment makes the beam divided into micro-sized
units and leaves normal tissues between the beams to reduce direct skin damages to shorten
the down time and to allow the skin to be cured faster.
This equipment is very much effective to improve rejuvenation, pores, scar, deep wrinkle like
laser scaling.
▷ Skin tone
▷ Large pore
▷ Various scar
▷ Wrinkle
▷ Rejuvenation
▷ Laser scaling
▷ Fine beam quality-Spot size 100~200 um
▷ High peak power
▷ Power scanner
▷ Less pain
▷ Dot mode
▷ Various scan shapes
Array / C-Array / Chaos / Random / Dot



 Laser Source

 CO₂ Laser


 1 ~ 300mJ

 Wave lenght


 Spot size

 60~ 120㎛


 Max 999Hz

 Scan pattern

 Circle, Rectangle, Square, Dot

 Scan size

 5x5mm, 10x10mm, 15x15mm 20x20mm etc.
 (Adjustable according to customer’s requirement)


As a CO2 Fractional laser, we can supply our clients with the customized design for this machine.
Also Copro∥ has effective functions to improve rejuvenation, pores, scar, deep wrinkle like laser scaling.
▷ Skin tone
▷ Large pore
▷ Various scar
▷ Wrinkle
▷ Rejuvenation
▷ Laser scaling
▷ Fine beam quality-Spot size 120~250m
▷ High peak power
▷ Power scanner
▷ Less pain
▷ Dot mode
▷ Various scan shapes
Array / C-Array / Chaos / Random / Dot



 Laser Source

 CO₂ Laser


 1 ~ 300mJ

 Wave lenght


 Spot size

 100~ 150㎛


 Max 999Hz

 Scan pattern

 Circle, Rectangle, Square, Dot

 Scan size

 5x5mm, 10x10mm, 15x15mm 20x20mm etc.
 (Adjustable according to customer’s requirement)



