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double end, hexagonal handle

H183-30830 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-30830
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-30833 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-30833
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31013 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31013
YOUNGER GOOD Scaler fig.13
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31014 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31014
YOUNGER GOOD Scaler fig.14
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31015 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31015
YOUNGER GOOD Scaler fig.15
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31104 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31104
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31105 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31105
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31106 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31106
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31107 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31107
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31108 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31108
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31109 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31109
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31207 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31207
HYGIENIST Scaler fig.H6/H7
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31213 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31213
McCALL Scaler fig.13S/14S
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31214 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31214
McCALL Scaler fig.13/14
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31233 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31233
HYGIENIST Scaler fig.H5/33
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31301 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31301
BLACK scaler fig.1
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31302 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31302
BLACK scaler fig.2
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31303 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31303
BLACK scaler fig.3
single end, hexagonal handle
BLACK instrument à détartrer fig.3
H183-31304 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31304
BLACK scaler fig.4
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31305 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31305
BLACK scaler fig.5
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31306 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31306
BLACK scaler fig.6
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31307 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31307
BLACK scaler fig.12
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31308 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31308
BLACK scaler fig.8
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31309 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31309
BLACK scaler fig.9
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31310 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31310
BLACK scaler fig.10
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31311 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31311
BLACK scaler fig.11
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31312 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31312
BLACK scaler fig.12
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31401 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31401
TOMPKINS scaler fig.1
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31402 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31402
TOMPKINS scaler fig.2
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31403 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31403
TOMPKINS scaler fig.3
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31404 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31404
TOMPKINS scaler fig.4
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31405 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31405
TOMPKINS scaler fig.5
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31406 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31406
TOMPKINS scaler fig.6
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31407 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31407
TOMPKINS scaler fig.7
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31408 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31408
TOMPKINS scaler fig.8
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31411 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31411
TOMPKINS scaler fig.11
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31412 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31412
TOMPKINS scaler fig.12
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31507 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31507
HIRSCHFELD scaler fig.3/7
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31510 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31510
HIRSCHFELD scaler fig.9/10
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31511 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31511
HIRSCHFELD scaler fig.5/11
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31602 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31602
SUGARMAN scaler fig.1S/2S
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31603 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31603
SUGARMAN scaler fig.3S/4S
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31605 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31605
SUGARMAN scaler fig.5S/6S
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31609 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31609
SUGARMAN scaler fig.9S/10S
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31611 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31611
SUGARMAN scaler fig.11S/12S
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31619 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31619
SCHLUGER scaler fig.9/10
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-31621 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31621
BUCK scaler fig.11/12
double end, round handle
H183-31650 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31650
BUCK scaler fig.0
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31651 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31651
BUCK scaler fig.00
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-31710 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31710
BUNTING scaler fig.10
singel end, hexagonal handle
H183-31711 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31711
BUNTING scaler fig.11
singel end, hexagonal handle
H183-31712 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31712
BUNTING scaler fig.12
singel end, hexagonal handle
H183-31713 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31713
BUNTING scaler fig.13
singel end, hexagonal handle
H183-31714 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31714
BUNTING scaler fig.14
singel end, hexagonal handle
H183-31715 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31715
BUNTING scaler fig.15
singel end, hexagonal handle
H183-31716 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31716
BUNTING scaler fig.16
singel end, hexagonal handle
H183-31717 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31717
BUNTING scaler fig.17
singel end, hexagonal handle
H183-31718 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31718
BUNTING scaler fig.18
singel end, hexagonal handle
H183-31907 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31907
MUEHLEMANN file fig.7, double
hexagonal handle
H183-31908 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-31908
MUEHLEMANN file fig.8, double
hexagonal handle
H183-32301 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32301
JACQUETTE scaler fig.30/31
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-32302 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32302
JACQUETTE scaler fig.31/32
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-32303 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32303
JACQUETTE scaler fig.34/35
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-32304 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32304
JACQUETTE scaler fig.37/38
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-32305 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32305
JACQUETTE scaler fig.H3/H4
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-32306 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32306
JACQUETTE scaler fig.14/15
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-32601 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32601
GOLDMAN FOX scaler fig.1
double end, round handle
H183-32602 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32602
GOLDMAN FOX scaler fig.2
double end, round handle
H183-32603 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32603
GOLDMAN FOX scaler fig.3
double end, round handle
H183-32604 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32604
GOLDMAN FOX scaler fig.4
double end, round handle
H183-32605 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32605
GOLDMAN FOX scaler fig.5
double end, round handle
H183-32606 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32606
GOLDMAN FOX scaler fig.6
double end, round handle
H183-32607 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32607
GOLDMAN FOX periodontia instrument
fig.7, double end, round handle
H183-32608 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32608
GOLMAN FOX periodontia instrument
fig.8, double end, round handle
H183-32609 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32609
GOLDMAN FOX periodontia instrument
fig.9, double end, round handle
H183-32610 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32610
GOLDMAN FOX periodontia instrument
fig.10, double end, round handle
H183-32611 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32611
GOLDMAN FOX periodontia instrument
fig.11, double end, round handle
H183-32621 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32621
GOLDMAN FOX periodontia instrument
fig.21, double end, round handle
H183-32702 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32702
GRACEY periodontia instrument
fig.1/2, double end, round handle
H183-32704 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32704
GRACEY periodontia instrument
fig.3/4, double end, round handle
H183-32706 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32706
GRACEY periodontia instrument
fig.5/6, double end, round handle
H183-32708 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32708
GRACEY periodontia instrument
fig.7/8, double end, round handle
H183-32710 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32710
GRACEY periodontia instrument
fig.9/10, double end, round handle
H183-32711 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32711
GRACEY periodontia instrument
fig.11/14, double end, round handle
H183-32712 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32712
GRACEY periodontia instrument
fig.11/12, double end, round handle
H183-32713 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32713
GRACEY periodontia instrument
fig.12/13, double end, round handle
H183-32714 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32714
GRACEY periodontia instrument
fig.13/14, double end, round handle
H183-32806 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32806
CRANE CAPLAN periodontia instrument
fig.CK6, double end, round handle
H183-32861 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32861
CRANE CAPLAN periodontia instrument
fig.204S, double end, round handle
H183-32924 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-32924
Periodontia instrument
double end, round handle



H183-33000 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-33000
PRICHARD periodontia instrument
double end, round handle
H183-33115 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-33115
KIRKLAND gingivectomie knive fig.15
single end, round handle
H183-33216 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-33216
KIRKLAND gingivectomie knive fig.15/16
double end, round handle
H183-33316 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-33316
KIRKLAND gingivectomie knive fig.16
single end, round handle
H183-33402 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-33402
WHITESIDE periodontia instrument
fig.WH2, simple end, round handle
H183-33428 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-33428
Periodontia instrument
fig.USC128, simple end, round handle
H183-33500 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-33500
Periodontia instruments-set
H183-33604 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-33604
ORBAN gingivectomie knive
double end, round handle
H183-33706 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-33706
BUCK gingivectomie knive
double end, round handle
H183-34021 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34021
ORBAN gingivectomie knive fig.21
single end, round handle
H183-34022 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34022
ORBAN gingivectomie knive fig.22
single end, round handle
H183-34301 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34301
CRANE CAPLAN pocket marker fig.1
H183-34302 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34302
CRANE CAPLAN pocket marker fig.2
H183-34401 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34401
PERIDONTOMETER, 1-1-1-2-2-1-1-1
single end, round handle
H183-34501 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34501
single end, round handle
H183-34601 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34601
double end, round handle
H183-34602 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34602
double end, round handle
H183-34610 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34610
WILLAMS-FOX Periodontometer, 1-10
double end, round handle
H183-34708 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34708
HAUER Periodontometer,
double end, round handle
H183-34902 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-34902
KRENN loops for introducing medicaments
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-35208 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-35208
simple end, round handle
H183-35210 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-35210
simple end, round handle
H183-35211 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-35211
simple end, round handle
H183-35300 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-35300
simple end, round handle
H183-35400 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-35400
simple end, round handle
H183-35500 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-35500
simple end, round handle
H183-35701 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-35701
double end, round handle
H183-35702 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-35702
double end, round handle
H183-35703 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-35703
double end, round handle
H183-36002 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36002
WHITE enamel instruments fig.2
single end, hexagonal handle


H183-36003 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36003
WHITE enamel instruments fig.3
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36004 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36004
WHITE enamel instruments fig.4
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36005 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36005
WHITE enamel instruments fig.5
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36006 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36006
WHITE enamel instruments fig.6
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36007 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36007
WHITE enamel instruments fig.7
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36009 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36009
WHITE enamel instruments fig.9
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36033 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36033
WHITE enamel instruments fig.33
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36034 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36034
WHITE enamel instruments fig.34
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36048 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36048
WHITE enamel instruments fig.48
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36049 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36049
WHITE enamel instruments fig.49
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36139 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36139
WEDELSTAEDT enamel instruments fig.39
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36140 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36140
WEDELSTAEDT enamel instruments fig.40
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36141 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36141
WEDELSTAEDT enamel instruments fig.41
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36142 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36142
WEDELSTAEDT enamel instruments fig.42
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36143 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36143
WEDELSTAEDT enamel instruments fig.43
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36144 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36144
WEDELSTAEDT enamel instruments fig.44
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-36201 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36201
DISCOIDS-CLEOIDS scaler fig.1/2
double end, round handle
H183-36203 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36203
DISCOIDS-CLEOIDS scaler fig.3/6
double end, round handle
H183-36209 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36209
DISCOIDS-CLEOIDS scaler fig.89/92
double end, round handle
H183-36211 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36211
DISCOIDS-CLEOIDS scaler fig.110
double end, round handle
H183-36219 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36219
double end, round handle
H183-36303 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36303
TANNER scaler fig.3
double end, round handle
H183-36304 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36304
TANNER scaler fig.4
double end, round handle
H183-36305 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36305
TANNER scaler fig.5
double end, round handle
H183-36306 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-36306
TANNER scaler fig.6
double end, round handle
H183-39102 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39102
Explorer fig.2
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39106 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39106
Explorer fig.6
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39108 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39108
Explorer fig.8
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39109 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39109
Explorer fig.9
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39110 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39110
Explorer fig.10
single end, hexagonal handle


H183-39111 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39111
Explorer fig.11
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39116 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39116
Explorer fig.16
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39117 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39117
Explorer fig.17
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39123 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39123
Explorer fig.23
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39165 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39165
Explorer fig.65
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39166 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39166
Explorer fig.66
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39202 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39202
Explorer fig.2
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39205 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39205
Explorer fig.5
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39206 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39206
Explorer fig.6
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39207 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39207
Explorer fig.7
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39208 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39208
Explorer fig.8
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39210 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39210
SCHEFF Explorer fig.10
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39211 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39211
BRIAULT Explorer fig.11
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39212 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39212
WESTON Explorer fig.12
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39401 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39401
Explorer fig.1
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39402 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39402
Explorer fig.2
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39403 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39403
Explorer fig.3
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39404 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39404
Explorer fig.4
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39405 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39405
Explorer fig.5
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39406 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39406
Explorer fig.6
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39407 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39407
Explorer fig.7
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39408 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39408
Explorer fig.8
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39409 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39409
Explorer fig.9
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39418 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39418
Explorer fig.18
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39419 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39419
Explorer fig.19
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39451 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39451
Explorer fig.5A
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39461 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39461
Explorer fig.6A
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39481 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39481
Explorer fig.8A
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39605 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39605
Explorer fig.5/6
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39610 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39610
Explorer fig.10
double end, hexagonal handle

H183-39611 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39611
BRIAULT Explorer fig.11
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39612 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39612
WESTON Explorer fig.12
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39714 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39714
HOSPITAL explorer fig.14
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39737 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39737
HOSPITAL explorer fig.37
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39748 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39748
HOSPITAL explorer fig.48
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39749 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39749
HOSPITAL explorer fig.49
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39754 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39754
HOSPITAL explorer fig.54
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39755 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39755
HOLST explorer fig.55
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39765 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39765
HOLST "A" explorer fig.65
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-39901 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39901
LANGE explorer fig.1
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-39902 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-39902
LANGE explorer fig.2
double end, hexagonal handle
H183-40101 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40101
WHITE explorer fig.1
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40102 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40102
WHITE explorer fig.2
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40103 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40103
WHITE explorer fig.3
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40105 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40105
WHITE explorer fig.5
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40106 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40106
WHITE explorer fig.6
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40107 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40107
WHITE explorer fig.7
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40108 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40108
WHITE explorer fig.8
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40109 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40109
WHITE explorer fig.9
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40110 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40110
WHITE explorer fig.10
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40111 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40111
WHITE explorer fig.11
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40112 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40112
WHITE explorer fig.12
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40113 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40113
WHITE explorer fig.13
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40114 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40114
WHITE explorer fig.14
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40115 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40115
WHITE explorer fig.15
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40116 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40116
WHITE explorer fig.16
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40117 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40117
WHITE explorer fig.17
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40118 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40118
WHITE explorer fig.18
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40120 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40120
WHITE explorer fig.20
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40121 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40121
WHITE explorer fig.21
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40122 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40122
WHITE explorer fig.22
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40123 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40123
WHITE explorer fig.23
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40133 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40133
WHITE explorer fig.33
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40140 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40140
WHITE explorer fig.40
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40142 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40142
WHITE explorer fig.42
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40143 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40143
WHITE explorer fig.43
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40144 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40144
WHITE explorer fig.44
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40145 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40145
WHITE explorer fig.45
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40154 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40154
WHITE explorer fig.54
single end, hexagonal handle
H183-40503 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40503
Explorer fig.3
simple end, round handle
H183-40506 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40506
Explorer fig.6
simple end, round handle
H183-40508 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40508
Explorer fig.8
simple end, round handle
H183-40509 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40509
Explorer fig.9
simple end, round handle
H183-40517 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40517
WILKINS-TUFTS Explorer fig.17
simple end, round handle
H183-40520 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40520
ORBAN Explorer fig.20
simple end, round handle
H183-40523 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40523
SHEPERD Explorer fig.23
simple end, round handle
H183-40554 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40554
Explorer fig.54
simple end, round handle
H183-40603 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40603
Explorer fig.3A
simple end, round handle
H183-40606 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40606
Explorer fig.6A
simple end, round handle
H183-40617 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40617
Explorer fig.17
simple end, round handle
H183-40706 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-40706
Explorer fig.6L
simple end, round handle
H183-44001 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-44001
Explorer fig.EN1
double end, round handle
H183-44005 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-44005
Explorer fig.5
double end, round handle
H183-44006 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-44006
Explorer fig.6
double end, round handle
H183-44011 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-44011
OLD DOMINION UNIV. Explorer fig.2A
double end, round handle
H183-44017 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-44017
Explorer fig.FJ17
double end, round handle
H183-44023 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-44023
Explorer fig.23/6
double end, round handle
H183-44111 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-44111
BRIAULT Explorer fig.11
double end, round handle
H183-44117 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-44117
WILKINS-TUFTS Explorer fig.TU17/23
double end, round handle
H183-44201 Add to inquiry · Detail viewH183-44201
Explorer fig.1
double end, round handle