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Máy soi cổ tử cung ZoomScope

Máy soi cổ tử cung ZoomScope

Wallach- USA


Wallach’s most popular colposcopes are available with a wide variety of features including the Trulight™ LED lighting system, the first of its kind in the industry.

Nikon stereoscopic optics with continuous variable zoom magnification of 4.5x to 20x make ZoomScope colposcopes an excellent choice. Continuously view at the highest magnification without over or undersizing the viewing field. ZoomScope features a unique overhead suspension system that provides unobstructed access to the operative site. It may also be converted to an operating microscope. ZoomScope offers optional foot pedal power zoom and focus to free both hands. USB video and digital patient management capabilities are available for transfer to EMR systems.
Wallach s revolutionary Trulight™ lighting system incorporates five high intensity, long life light emitting diodes (LEDs) designed around the objective lens.  The white solid state LEDs provide light at 5000-6000K for a brighter white.  Precisely angled, the lights converge to the target offering a brighter, white light for true tissue color.  The center light is green and can be turned on at the touch of a switch for delineation of vascular patterns.  The LEDs eliminate the need to change light bulbs!  All Wallach Trulight colposcopes come with a seven year warranty.