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Laser CO2

Máy phẫu thuật Laser CO2 Model :UM-L25

Máy phẫu thuật Laser CO2 Model :UM-L25



 Union Medical CO2 Laser.....
Developed and launched in Korea in 1994, UM-L25, and UM-L30 are DC-excited carbon dioxide gas lasers that at least a third of Surgeons in Korea has used with full satisfaction. Through continuous system upgrade, the units can emit 250Watt maximum output power in SUPPER PULSE Mode. And through overseas market activities, the units have been reinforced in system stability. The supper pulse mode may reduce tissue damages and supply operators with perfect operation circumstance.

Self test, Calibration and self diagnosis: Internal software systems
Super pulse laser operation mode: A high peak power train of pulse
Memory function: Pre-used power setting memorized
Changeable intensity of aiming beam: 0~100% intensity control
Precise off-time control: 0.01 ~ 1.00sec