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Máy làm ấm dịch truyền BFW-1000

Máy làm ấm dịch truyền  BFW-1000



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BFW series Medical Fluid Infusion Warmer is a kind of device to warm the liquid which will be infusioned into human body by warming the infusion pipe, with high efficiency and easy use; dry groove warmer structure, adopt conventional infusion pipe, no need special consumables.

Temperature controlling technology: it adopts intellectual controlling technology which warms the device quickly; warms the fluid automatically and controls the temperature accurately in the predetermined temperature, safe and stable.

BFW-1000+(TFT): Large LCD displays set temperature, real-time temperature, dropping speed, warming with AC, detecting with DC, working time etc.

Range: 28℃-36℃    ±0.5℃

Working mode: Continuous operation

Waterproof class: IP64