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Máy gây mê kèm thở Siesta i Breasy

Máy gây mê kèm thở Siesta i Breasy

Dameca-Đan mạch 


Siesta i Breasy
-integrated anaesthesia technology

At Dameca, we have put a lot of thought into how best to meet your standard needs. The result is the Siesta i Breasy - an anaesthesia machine characterised by our distinctive Scandinavian design and with plenty of room for add-on accessories:

  • Integrated breathing system (IBS)
  • Same bag-in-bottle for adults and infants
  • Microprocessor-controlled ventilator. Using the 5" LCD digital and graphical display, operators can set key parameters, such as respiration rate, bag-in-bottle volume and oxygen analysis.
  • The three ventilation modes:  volume controlled ventilation (VCV), manual and spontaneous.
  • Suitable for low and minimal flow
  • Reliable safety features
  • Space-saving design
  • Long lifetime at low total cost of ownership


Integrated Breathing System

Forget about time-consuming, multiple tubing connections between the anaesthesia machine, patient system and patient. Our Integrated Breathing System (IBS) integrates an ascending bag-in-bottle, patient circuit and CO2 absorber in one compact unit.

That means no tubings between the IBS and the machine and only two tubings - for inspiration and expiration - between the IBS and the patient. Manual bag connection is located under the manual respiration valve.

Setting up for an operation is faster and cleaning easier. In less than a minute, the machine can be taken apart for cleaning, without any need of special tools. The foolproof design rules out the risk of reassembly errors after cleaning.

Ascending bellows prevent air from being drawn into the breathing system in the event of a leakage. Capacity up to 1500ml, suitable for adults, infants and neonates.

Yellow valve flaps enable visual supervision of inspiration and expiration. A handy manual respiration valve is also integrated with pressure, closed and spontaneous modes.

i-SORB absorber
Available in re-usable or disposable versions, the i-SORB eliminates waste of unused soda lime due to its flow-optimised design.

A sensor detects when the absorber is mounted only avaiable on Siesta i TS. The absorber can be replaced while the machine is in operation. Soda lime capacity is 900g.

AGSS Intergrated AGSS - anaesthesia gas scavenging system
Siesta i Whispa has a built-in gas scavenging system. The system requires an evacuatio flow of 30-40 L/min in order to remove excess gases