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Máy phá mẫu siêu âm S250D

Máy phá mẫu siêu âm S250D




Branson Sonifier® ultrasonic cell disruptor / homogenizers are versatile laboratory units suitable for a broad range of liquid processing applications such as:

  • Biological cell disruption / homogenization
  • Emulsification
  • Reaction acceleration
  • Dispersion
  • Fine mixing
  • Degasing
Each model consists of a power supply, a converter, and a mechanical probe or horn. The power supply/converter changes standard electrical power to high frequency mechanical energy, which is then applied to the horn, where it is further amplified for use (often with specialized accessories).

Sonifier® S-250D digital ultrasonic processor includes the same features as the analong units, but also offer these additional operator benefits:
  • 200 Watt (S-250D)
  • Digital parameter setting with automatic parameter range validation
  • Automatic end-point management using preset limits
  • 80 character LCD display for process monitoring and alarm indication
  • Printer interface with date stamp
  • Broad process range from 1ml to over 500ml per sample
  • RS-232 serial port for conveneient computer interface
  • Independent user I/O for remote start/stop control
  • Internal self-diagnostic package to assure optimum performance
  • Imbedded multi-language software for operator convenience
  • Supplied with a standard 1/2" titanium horn that is suitable for many applications
  • A wide range of dedicated accessories to meet special needs
ModelPart NumberInput PowerOutput PowerDimensionsWeight
S-250D063-588117V, 50/60Hz200 Watts7-3/8"W X 16-3/4" D X 8-3/4"H20lbs.
S-250D063-589220V, 50/60Hz200 Watts7-3/8"W X 16-3/4" D X 8-3/4"H20lbs.