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Bộ điện di

Bộ điện di ngang sâu E3400

Bộ điện di ngang sâu E3400


The midi-plus horizontal unit offers a wide degree of versatility.
= Three tray options are available, 15x7 cm, 15x10 cm and 15x15 cm, allowing the choice of one, two or all three gel length options at the time of purchase.
= Further purchases of additional accessories are no longer required.
= Maximising comb and tray options allow up to 210 samples to be resolved per gel.
= The 15 cm total run length allows restriction fragment or other close MW sample bands to be easily separated and identified.
= Speed loading is accomplished using 10, 14, 16, 18, 28 and 30 sample multi-channel pipette compatible combs.
= Gel dimensions (WxL): 15x7, 15x10 or 15x15 cm
= Buffer volume: 500 ml
= Maximum sample capacity: 210
= Unit dimensions (WxDxH): 26.5x17.5x9 cm
= Recommended power supplies: EV243, EV231



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