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Dao mổ điện cắt trĩ LG2000

Dao mổ điện cắt trĩ LG2000





The main advantages:

Patent technology BEIM makes anorectal surgery easy: little suffering, no haemorrhage, no anal stenosis, no hospital stay, no infection, no sequela and complications.


Scope of application:

Department of proctology:

internal, external and mixed hemorrhoids, anal fissure, anal fistula, proctopolypus, anal abscess, hypertrophy of anal papilla, condyloma acuminatum, etc.


1. High frequency electronic pincers
Used for making the base of the hemorrhoid dry and hard so as to seal off the base, no blood can flow out. It possess patent technology of biological electrical impedance auto-measurement (BEIM), which can auto-measure the electrical impedance of hemorrhoid tissues, according to which the pincers auto-generate the right heat so as to make tissues dry and hard of high quality: no scorch & no bleeding.

2. High frequency electronic pencil
Used for excising the uncalled-for hemorrhoid tissues, assisting the electronic pincers to finish the hemorrhoid treatment. It has 3 different tips (blade, needle, ball) and 9 adjustice position for output power to meet different demands..

3. High frequency electronic forceps
Used for stopping bleeding instantly for larger blood vessels.

4. High frequency electronic coagulation
Used for completely stopping capillary bleeding, rapidly forming into coagulation on surface, no harm to the dermis.