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Máy cắt trĩ

Máy cắt trĩ LG2000B

Máy cắt trĩ LG2000B






The Main Advantages:

A new method for anorectal surgeries. High quality with competitive price. Patent
technology makes surgeries easy. 3 to 5 seconds to seal each hemorrhoid. No
haemorrhage, no hospital stay, no infection, no sequelas and complicating diseases


Scope of application:
Department of coloproctology (internal, external and mixed hemorrhoids, anal fissure,
anal fistula, proctopolypus, anal abscess, hypertrophy of anal papilla, condyloma
acuminatum), also can be applied for departments of dermatology and gynaecology

The Main Principle



1. BEIM Pincers

BEIM Pincers intelligently measures hemorrhoids, and then make the base of the hemorrhoid dry and hard without carbonization.  It acts as sealing machines to seal off the base, no blood can flow out.

2. BEIM Pencil

Used for excising the uncalled-for hemorrhoid tissues, assisting the electronic pincers to finish the hemorrhoid treatment. It has 3 different tips (blade, needle, ball) and 9 adjustable positions for output power to meet different demands.

3. BEIM Forceps

Arresting bleeding instantly for larger blood vessels, and timely free from trouble after treatment

4. BEIM Foagulation

Completely arresting capillary bleeding, rapidly forming into scab on surface, no harm to the dermis.

5. Pre-return to zero technology of output power with secure and reliable protective measures.

6. Wireless remote control

Free operations by keeping away from apparatus, saving time and labor, being clean without pollution.