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Máy hút dịch cầm tay 7B-1

Máy hút dịch cầm tay 7B-1

Yuyue- TQ



Name: 7B-1 mannal suction device
Categories: Medcial Electric Equipment →
Code: 3.05.030

7B-1  mannal suction device

The hand suction unit is mainly used in different levels of hospital to absorb the phlegm, purulence, blood. With the advantage of small size , light weight, easy to carry and use, also no electricity powder needed, the unit is perfect for remote area, clinic in village, in home care, first aid in open country and operation without no electricity powder.

1. Max vacuum: ≥0.04MPa   

3. Max. flow: ≥20L/min

4.suction bottle storage capacity: 200ml

5. Weight: 192g