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Máy hút dịch 2 bình 7D

Máy hút dịch 2 bình 7D

Yuyue- TQ


 Name: 7D electric washing-stomach machine
Categories: Medcial Electric Equipment →
Code: 3.05.025

7D electric washing-stomach machine

7D electric washing-stomach machine is used to rescue the food poisoning victims or taking-poison people by washing the stomach before operations in hospital. The equipment adopts completely plastic panel design, fashionable and beautiful, easy to operate and carry, lower-noise and energy saving. There is a completely plastic operation box on the top of the equipment and make it easy to operate.

Principle technical data:

Power Voltage: AC220V±22V50Hz±1Hz

Input power: 250VA

Flux: 2 L/min

Self-control: washing amount is 250~350mL/time, absorbing amount is 300~450mL/time

Noise: 65 dB (A)

Reservoir capacity: 10L/pc, 2pieces