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Máy khí dung mũi họng

Máy khí dung siêu âm 402AI

Máy khí dung siêu âm 402AI



 Name: 402AI ultrasonic nebulizer
Categories: Medcial Electric Equipment →
Code: 3.05.002

402AI ultrasonic nebulizer

Features: various uses, more suitable for home use.

a.        This product is suitable for the surroundings, which need faint scent or disinfectant, or increasing humidity. It has a 350mL reservoir, more convenient for use. 

b.        Facial cleaning & beauty care

Applying over 1MHz ultrasonic nebulized mist to clean the face is very effective, and it is a usual skin care method, very convenient and comfortable.

c.        Jewelry cleaning

Immerse the jewelry in the detergent and then turn on the machine. The grease and dirt can be removed from the jewelry after 10 minutes.

Principal technical data:

Voltage: AC220V±10%

    Ultrasonic frequency: 1.7MHz ± 10%

Continuous working time: 4h  

Consumption power: 50W

    Max medication capacity for small cup: 150mL 

    Max medication capacity for big cup: 350mL   

Max nebulizing rate: 3mL/min